Broken pieces
Is all I have,
From a past
I did survive.
My hopes and dreams
They all were,
Broken by life;
Whole they once were.
I put them in a box,
‘Cuz I didn’t want to share
The hurt and pain,
The tears everywhere.
But you decided to peek in
And saw the pieces.
With a big grin,
You look at the creases.
How beautiful are these pieces,
Full of color, full of wishes.
Something pretty might come out of this,
Because even in the broken, beauty there is.
I looked in disbelief
As he pour the pieces into a tube
Praying my wishes
Will finally come true.
As he finished his craft,
I looked in awe.
My pain and my troubles
Were turn into laughs.
The broken pieces
Now shined in the light.
They felt like warm kisses
On a starry night.
It’s a kaleidoscope he said,
Magic from the pain.
From the broken pieces,
Joy and love came again.