Our past has hunted us
for who we wanted to be.
For making choices,
choices that made us happy.
Who is time to decide who we are?
If it was him that threw us in this mess in the first place.
It was time it self who broke us,
who made us like this.
But now we run.
We run to a future were we finally
can be our selves.
Where nothing anyone says matters anymore.
Where the only thing that matters is me and you.
We run from a past that hunts us,
that make us feel worthless and hopeless.
From all the suffering that broke us,
from the thing that molded us, that made us stronger.
We can’t look back, not now, not ever.
Running forward is how we find our future.
Forward is where our happiness is.
Forget the past, live for the now,
live for the future.